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Everything in the Universe is Connected... 

Prayer & Meditation are the Universal Language!

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Prayer Requests:

Each day, we receive many prayer requests.We are always looking for other others to join our Prayer Warrior Group!

If you would like to become a Prayer Partner, please contact the office.


Please Pray For:


Samantha ( Health Issues )

Violet  ( Eye Problem )

Kim ( Health Issues )

Christopher ( Comfort )

Richard ( Health )

Robert ( Cancer )

Kevin  ( School )

Marlene ( Son overseas in the Army )

Tim's Grandma ( Health Issues )

Ray & Betty


Anyone who is praying for an answered prayer!



Psalms 55:22  Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you.


Philippians 1:27  I will know that you are standing together for the Faith, which is the Good News.


Romans 8:26  And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness.


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